Mental Wellness and Spirituality
Spirituality refers to a sense of meaning, purpose and values in life. It may involve religion but it can also be a sense of reverence, awe, and meaning without any religious affiliation. People who are spiritual often turn to prayer, chanting, meditation, yoga, journaling, and other practices for comfort and self-transcendence. Spirituality can also include the concept of karma, reincarnation and a belief that we are interconnected with others.
Those who are spiritual tend to focus on the importance of living in harmony with the Earth and all of its creatures. They value a balanced life that includes mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Spirituality can help individuals cope with challenges, such as loss or illness, and help them find the strength to move on.
Many people who are spiritual can draw on the teachings of all of the world’s major religions to inform their own beliefs. They are able to pick out elements of each faith that resonate with them and combine them to create their own philosophy of life. This is called syncretism and it can be very beneficial to mental wellness.
It’s important for therapists to be aware of the role that spirituality can play in their patients’ mental health and wellbeing. It’s a good idea to ask patients about their spirituality and to make sure that they feel comfortable discussing it. If they do not, it may be a sign that their spirituality has been negatively impacted by trauma or abuse from a religious leader or by other negative experiences with religion.